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"How did I get through a major lifestyle change in the beginning of my illness?"


“How did I get through a major lifestyle change in the beginning of my illness?” - A question I was recently asked.

So to be honest, it took me months to accept changing my lifestyle.

I mourned the girl I was because I knew my life was changing forever. I lost my joy for living. It was difficult but I let myself feel all the emotions that came up and when I was ready… I embraced it. I wanted to enjoy life again, I wanted to be healthy, I didn’t want anything to hold me back.

So I dove into change, head on. I made mistakes, I learned along the journey, I failed at times but I never gave up because I wanted my life back.

And through all these changes, while it was challenging, I become a better version of myself. One that I came to love.

▫️Cut out anything not promoting healing - trigger foods, toxic products, toxic people,

▫️Invested in myself - in coaches, in therapies, in treatments, in supplements and in the foods I ate

▫️Research - I spent lots of time researching new brands of products and foods that I could have and also other healing techniques that could help me

▫️Joy - I wrote down everything that brought me joy and I did one of them daily. I also found new meals that I could enjoy so that I didn’t feel restricted

▫️Support - I asked for help, I set boundaries, and I communicated to those I loved about what was going on, where I was at, and mostly what foods I was eating

▫️I surrounded myself with people who tried to understand me and were open to my new lifestyle

If you are looking for guidance on your journey, I am currently taking on private clients 💗🕊

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